Monday, October 18, 2010

Went to a Buddhist Zen Center

On Wednesday, September 22, 2010 I went to the Toledo Zen Center located on Angola Road. I called earlier that day to let them know I was coming. They hold services every Wednesday at 7:15. When I first arrived, there were a few people there gathered in the outside room. This is a gathering type room where the people meet and talk before the practice starts. I talked to a few people to let them know who I was and why I was there. They were very welcoming and kind. Everyone takes their shoes off in the gathering area and puts them on the shelves provided when they get there. I followed procedure and did the same. When 7:15 came we all moved to the room where practice is held. The room has cushions gathered on two opposite sides with space in the middle. We stood on our mats until the bells started ringing. At this time Reverend Rinsen entered the room and settled in the open space between the groups of mats facing the Buddha statue. At this time the congregation began their chant and I was able to participate in this because they pass out packets with the different used chants. After the chant, Rinsen opens the dokusan line and the group begins their private meditation. The dokusan line is the where members have individual private interviews with Rinsen to see how their path is going and how they’re doing.
While the group began meditation, two other new members and myself were taken out to the gathering room with Simon, who’s Dharma name is Monsho, so he could teach us the proper way to meditate and the background of Buddhism and the center. This was a very interesting lesson. He taught us how to properly sit on the pillow for meditation and he explained what their goal is during this practice. When meditating, their goal is to completely free their mind from outside influence and goings on. They have their eyes half closed and pointed down forty-five degrees down at a spot in front of their pillow. They don’t close their eyes because that implies they want to shut everything around them out. This is not the case; they want to accept that there are things around them. They allow this influence to come in, acknowledge it, and let it go. This is a very difficult thing to try and not day dream while meditating. To help people free their mind, one is to concentrate on their breathing. While breathing, you count from one to ten, and repeat over and over. You only breathe through your nose while meditating. Each inhale as well as exhale is a number. When you catch yourself wondering and count past ten, you acknowledge this and begin from one again.
When our lesson was over, we went back into the other room to practice with the rest of the congregation. There is fifteen to twenty minutes of sitting mediation, then fifteen minutes of walking meditation. There is another section of the room with a very large mat on the floor that the group walks in a large square single file. Around 9:15 the service was over. There were announcements and Rinsen had the other new people and me address the group as to why we were here and what we thought. During Zinzen practice, there is no talking, just strict meditation. The only time talking happens is at the beginning and ending chant. The group knows when to bow and chant through bell sounds manned by Monsho.
This was a great experience for me. It was nothing like I had experienced before. Being raised Catholic; I thought it was strange bowing to a statue. Monsho addressed this during our lesson: Buddha is not a god but a teacher. The bows are a sign of respect. As God is the shepherd and the people are his flock in Catholicism, Buddha is a teacher and the people are his students. I learned a lot and thought it was a very enlightening experience. Since attending the center, I have used some of the meditation methods to help me pay better attention in class rather than day dream. I signed up for their e-mail list and will probably return on my own accord. It was very relaxing to forget about everything and just meditate.

Monday, August 30, 2010

James Cameron Can Suck It (3D part 3)

I thought I was done with this. I really did. I was ready to let go. Then, big Jimmy Cameron decided to open his big mouth. I have stated many times that 3D is best when it's used in a gimmick type way. Like you're at an amusement park attraction. However, someone disagrees with me. This is what Mr. Cameron had to say about Piranha 3D:

"I tend almost never to throw other films under the bus, but (Piranha 3D) is exactly an example of what we should not be doing in 3-D. Because it just cheapens the medium and reminds you of the bad 3-D horror films from the 70s and 80s, like Friday the 13th 3-D. When movies got to the bottom of the barrel of their creativity and at the last gasp of their financial lifespan, they did a 3-D version to get the last few drops of blood out of the turnip."

What a pompous ass clown. Seriously, I know he made the two highest grossing movies (highly borrowed and unoriginal), but that does not make him the authority on film. I honestly feel Avatar would be the same in 2D compared to 3D. 3D movies should not be Oscar bait.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

3D Arguement Update

This is not a review of Piranha 3D, but the 3D aspect of it. So I saw Piranha 3D this past weekend. Wow. Just wow. This is how 3D should be used. Yes, I know it's post conversion, but the movie was always intended to be 3D. I don't remember why it was filmed in 2D, but you can tell they always meant for it to be a 3D product. The way things are thrown at the screen, or the way things are held at the camera, it was always 3D, just not filmed in it. They spent a lot of money to do the post conversion and they did it right. The majority of the movie had a 3D aspect to it. It wasn't only a few scenes converted, it was the whole movie. Anyway, like I said before, 3D should be gimmicky. It makes it fun, and gets the laughs. Horror movies are the best medium to have in 3D, in my opinion. There's nothing like having a boat motor shoved in your face or blood spurting out of the screen, or even having Elisabeth Shue hold her hand out to you. The cheesiness made this movie. The 3D helped quite a bit. I don't know if it would be as enjoyable on a home viewing, which is why 3D is not good. If you're interested in a fun, gory, nudity-filled flick, check out a matinee in theaters. The 3D is worth it for this particular movie.

Side Note: I am still not a fan of 3D movies. Let's get that clear. However, I wouldn't mind seeing one every now and then if it did it right, which is Piranha 3D. Saw is the next 3D movie coming out that I'm interested in (although I think I'm going to be dragged to Resident Evil) and I don't think the 3D will add anything to that movie. If there is a 2D, that is the version I'll see. I'm not picking to see any particular film because of 3D, it's the movie itself I want to see. If anything, 3D will make me wait for DVD on some movies.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Green Day Concert 8/23/2010

I saw Green Day last night at the DTE Music Theater in Clarkston, MI. They rocked the house. It was a fantastic show. They played a 3 hour set that included a lot of their old and new catalog. The set list was as follows:

Song of the Century
21st Century Breakdown
Know Your Enemy
East Jesus Nowhere
Viva La Gloria
Give Me Novocain
Are We the Waiting
St. Jimmy
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Geek Stink Breath
Going to Pasalacqua
2000 Light Years Away
Hitchin a Ride
When I Come Around
Brief riffs of Iron Man, Rock n Roll, Eye of the Tiger, Sweet Child of Mine, Highway to Hell
Brain Stew
Basket Case
King for a Day (included Shout, Hey Jude, and a few others)
21 Guns

American Idiot
Jesus of Suburbia
Last Night on Earth
Wake Me Up When September Ends
Good Riddance

The show was a lot of fun. Billie brought a five year old up on stage for the "healing" during East Jesus Nowhere.

He brought a female audience member up on stage to sing Longview. She knew the words but not the greatest voice, so when he gave her his guitar, Billie said "Here, take this and learn how to play it instead." Everyone laughed.

BJ had quite a few good one-liners. When he brought the little boy up on stage for the healing, he was deciding on who to choose, he said:
"I need a child. You! How old are you? Five?! Are you a virgin?"
Kid shakes his head
"Do you know what that is?"
Kid shakes his head
"Well there's the internet... Get your ass up here"
After the healing, BJ asked if he could come over and watch TV after the show, the kid said no and Billie retorted with "Get your ass off my stage."

Tre, Jason White, Jason F, and Mike all took turns going through "Shout"

They had a dance party on stage during parts of Going to Pasalacqua and 2000 Light Years Away. They brought a bunch of fans up on stage. The women on stage were more or less molesting Billie while he was singing. One female kept taking the mic and talking into it. When security came and started ripping people off stage, she escaped their clutches and came back to sing more. They finally got her off stage. It wasn't a big tiff, but she was really annoying.

They engaged the crowd the whole time. When Mike did Shout, he jumped off stage and sang with the crowd. Toward the end of the show, Tre came out and got off stage and walked through the crowd.

The had pressure washers built into the stage that they brought out a few times to spray people.

DTE has chair seating down front so there was no mosh pit, but at the beginning of the show, Billie told everyone to come down and dance in the aisles. He said "Come on, who wants a closer seat, get your asses down here. Dance in the aisles! Man in the blue shirt... get the fuck out of the way."

This is the third time I've seen them in concert (I also saw the Warning Tour in 2001 and American Idiot Tour in 2004) I've never been disappointed and this lived up to the last two shows. This is the longest set I've seen them do and it was a fantastic show. I drove 2 hours to see it and it was worth every mile and every penny for the ticket.

I took a few pictures. They were taken from far away so they're not the best quality, but I got a few nice shots.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The 3D Arguement

I hate 3D and I think it should die. The only 3D movie I enjoyed and got anything out of the 3D was My Bloody Valentine 3D. Because they used the gimmick like a flick from the 50s. It's funny and entertaining. 3D movies these days are "depth" perception. It's useless and stupid. No need for it. Most of these recent 3D movies aren't even 3D. They're post converted. So for the majority of the movie, it's not 3D and you're watching a 2D movie with sunglasses.They put it in 3D so their picture will make more money. that's all it is. It costs more to see a 3D movie, higher ticket price. That's what it comes down to. It's not for movie goers, it's for the studio. Money grubbing whores. 3D should only be used for Disney or Universal Studios theme park attractions. I would give my left arm to see the Alfred Hitchcock exhibit at Universal again. I don't remember any details. One of the only things I do remember is that there was a 3D movie and it scared the crap out of me as a youngster. It would be awesome to see today, after I've seen his movies and can appreciate it.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Actor Appreciation: Christian Bale

Christian Bale is probably my favorite actor of modern cinema. When I say “modern”, I mean the year 2000+.

Notable performances include:

American Psycho (2000)
The Machinist (2004)
Rescue Dawn (2006)
Harsh Times (2005)
The Prestige (2006)
Public Enemies (2009)
3:10 to Yuma (2007)
The New World (2005)
Batman Begins (2005)
The Dark Knight (2008)
Empire of the Sun (1987)
Terminator Salvation (2009)
Shaft (2000)
Reign of Fire (2002)
Equilibrium (2002)

A lot of people say that Bale’s one note, playing the same character in every film he's in, but I highly disagree. He adds something to each character he's portrayed and made it his own. He’s the master of accents and, for the most part, each one of his characters in the movies I’ve seen him in was different.

The first Christian Bale movie I saw him in was American Psycho. He knocked me on the floor. Everything about his portrayal was phenomenal. He goes from being playful and laughing, to bat-shit insane, then to calm and cool… in the same scene. His phone call toward the end was just the epitome of great acting.

Next, I saw him in Batman Begins. This masterful performance of Bruce Wayne and the caped crusader made me seek out his old and new movies. He can go from being suave and sophisticated, to a man in a bat costume that beats criminals to a pulp.

Once again in Rescue Dawn, Bale proves he’s got the chops to remain relevant in the acting profession for many years to come. His performance is easily the best thing in the movie and he carries it throughout.

Harsh Times is another film where he’s a completely different character from what he’s previously done. His performance is top notch.

In Public Enemies he was not ‘intense’; his character was calm and collected. He captured Purvis’s southern accent perfectly according to Purvis’s own son. He was the sleeper of that movie, in my opinion. As in, he gave the best performance and wasn’t recognized for it.

In Equilibrium he had to convey no emotion for the first half of the movie and he did it with flying colors. In the second half, he had to let the emotion flow as the death of his wife came back to haunt him.

Bale’s fantastic in movies that aren’t even considered ‘good’ by most people, but I still enjoy them. Reign of Fire, for instance, is tossed aside by most people. However, I think it’s pretty good. Bale’s great in it and this, along with Equilibrium were the beginnings of his action career. In Shaft, he plays a rich, racist, “daddy’s boy”. He’s not in it that long, but he commands the screen whenever he is.

Now most people are disregarding him because of his rant on the set of Terminator Salvation, but I think it just proves how much he takes his job seriously. Yeah, it wasn’t the most professional way to handle the situation, but the lighting guy was a moron.

I hope Bale comes back down and continues to churn out great performances demonstrated in American Psycho, Rescue Dawn, and Harsh Times.

There are many great performances I haven't touched on, so if the only Bale movies you’ve seen are the Batman’s, and want to get a taste of his greatness, check out
American Psycho (2000), The Machinist (2004), Rescue Dawn (2006), Harsh Times (2005), The Prestige (2006), Public Enemies (2009), and 3:10 to Yuma (2007). And if you've seen these, check out the noteable performances above.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Strange Dream

So last night I had a dream that I had a confrontation with the dude that’s been my archenemy since I was around ten or so. For some reason or another, there was a huge group of people (including me and him) collected in this remote location. He said something that pissed me off. When we were getting ready to leave, my friend let the air out of the tires of the dude’s truck. We jumped in the car and left and he was abandoned there by himself. A little bit of time passes. For some reason, the group was at a different location. There was a discussion happening which was lead by my current boss. The kid comes walking past the group dragging his bike. The bicycle is missing its tires. Next thing I know I’m at home. A bit more of time passes and I’m pacing through the house nervous. I was going to leave through the garage door and I see him standing by his car wearing a suit (for whatever reason). I sneak back in and begin to panic. I see him step into the kitchen from the hallway and he’s holding a gun. I duck into another room before he sees me. I’m able to sneak out the front door and I start running for my friend’s house. I pull my cell phone and begin to dial 911. Next thing I know, he comes ripping through my neighbor’s bushes in his car. I look at my phone to see if the call went through and I realized I dialed the wrong number. Just as I see this, I am run over. At this point I woke up.

I did a little looking into it this morning. According to this website I looked up, death is a symbol for change. When you dream of someone of the same sex, they represent an aspect of the outer, waking self (or the conscious mind). A bicycle is a balance and forward motion. Conflict is lack of harmony between aspects of self. Running from something is running from something in you. A gun is a tool for change.

Change could refer to the fact that I’m graduating college in five months. I need to maintain balance and keep moving forward even through hard times and disappointing phases of my life. Lack of harmony in aspects of my life could be referring to my relationship with my family members and friends or overall outlook on life. There are many things I have problems confronting: women, any type of conflict, what I want to do in life, and relationships with various people.

I don’t know for sure what this is. I’m not saying that these interpretations are iron clad. These dream books all have different explanations. This was no life altering dream for me. It’s just the first time I can remember having a frightening dream. I can’t remember ever dying in a dream before. It was quite interesting. I’ve always been fascinated by dreams in general.

Friday, July 9, 2010

So I Think My Apartment May Be Haunted

Some nights I came feel a sort of "presence". Like if someone or something was touching the back of my neck when I'm laying in bed. I didn't really think much of it. BUT. Yesterday morning something strange occurred.

So the past few mornings my smoke alarm has been going off for no apparent reason. I went to talk to the Residence Life director yesterday about rent and some other things. On my way out I mentioned the smoke detector was acting up. She gave me a new battery and said if it keeps doing it we'll just replace it. So I get home and the first thing I do is put in the new battery. Here's where shit gets creepy. This morning I wake up and when I'm turning off my alarm clock I look on the dresser and the new battery is sitting on my dresser. I look up and the detector is opened with the battery leads hanging down. WTF?

Q: "So did you thoroughly inspect the smoke detector? To see if there was anyway the batteries could have fallen down during the night?"

A: Well the thing has a hinge on it and it locks into place when you close it. Also, the battery goes into a clip of sorts to stay in place. also, the battery was on the dresser, about a foot over from the thing. No way could it have fallen on it.

Q: "You do [believe in ghosts and the paranormal] now?"

A: I don't know if I would go that far. For some odd reason, I could have sleepwalked. I don't know why I would unplug the smoke detector, but I suppose this is a possibility. I've never sleepwalked before, but whatever.

Q: "Is it even remotely possible you set the battery down on your dresser with the intention of replacing the old battery.....but instead just closed it back up after removing the old one, forgetting to place the new one in?"

A: No, I distinctly remember putting the new one in. I took out the battery Tuesday when it was randomly going off and when I put it back in, I didn't use the battery clip. When I put the new one in, I did use the clip. That's why I remember doing it, because I hadn't used the clip before.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Social Network Script review

A movie written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher has a great combination going for it. Sorkin has written some great material including The West Wing, Charlie Wilson’s War, The American President and A Few Good Men. Fincher has directed modern classics which include Fight Club, Se7en, Zodiac, and Panic Room.

When I first heard they were making a Facebook movie I said to myself “Seriously?” When I heard this Fincher was attached, I thought “wasted talent.” However, when I read Sorkin was writing, this is what peaked my interest in the project. I still had my reserves about a Facebook movie. I got my hands on the script and here are my thoughts.

The Social Network is based on the novel The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding Of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal, written by Ben Mezrich. It’s based around the early years and creation of Facebook. It’s told through flashback with the main time setting being a courtroom. It is actually a fairly interesting tale on how it got started, why it got started, and where Zuckerberg wanted to take it. The site was created in a dorm room. Originally, Zuckerberg created a site call Facesmash when he was intoxicated. He had just been dumped by his girlfriend and he got drunk, blogged some nasty things about her, and decided to make this site where people compared images of two people and clicked on the picture which was more attractive. It was comprised of only Harvard students. To get the images, Zuckerberg hacked into nine Harvard facebooks and downloaded all the images. He created an algorithm with friend and Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin which brought up the two images. They sent it to members of the Phoenix Final Club who sent it to a bunch of their friends who sent it to their friends. It was online for four hours and received 22,000 hits before it crashed Harvard’s system and was shut down. Facesmash used key elements which would evolve into Facebook. I’m not going to go through the whole story, which would be a synopsis. I’m just going to hit key areas of the script.

The script is approximately 162 pages. The characters are extremely unlikeable. It’s very common to real life. It’s not a cookie cutter movie where there’s a likeable guy trying to get the girl and he has an arch nemesis which he must overcome. Mark is an awkward person that manipulates people and treats others around him like garbage. When he is approached by three students to help them code their site, HarvardConnection, he agrees. However, instead of working on their site, he builds his own. He uses a compilation of ideas ranging from his own Facesmash, MySpace, and HarvardConnection. The basic concept of H.C. was that it was going to be a cross between MySpce and a dating site. It was going to be profiles for networking, but it was going to be exclusive. While working on his site, TheFacebook, Zuckerberg told them he was working on theirs. While what he did was a pretty dick move, you don’t feel bad for the people he screws over. They’re whiney and annoying. There idea wasn’t that original and the only reason they got money out of Zuck is because he wasted their time. It took three court cases for that. The movie doesn’t get too much into that though. The other characters of Eduardo and Sean aren’t likeable either. Eduardo sounds like he was pretty much a fool with a one track mind and didn’t really believe in the point of the site. Mark doesn’t care about the money; he’s invested in the site. Eduardo only cares about money. Sean Parker is the creator of Napster who sleeps around is more or less poor. He goes to the clubs and gets women and special treatment. God knows why, he doesn’t even have a house to live in. He counsels Mark on the expansion of Facebook and set up investor meetings. The other co-founders are barely established at all. I would have to wikipedia their names to find out. This script revolves mainly around Zuckerberg, Saverin, The Winklevoss twins, Divya Narendra, and Sean Parker. The script does leave out some of Zuckerberg’s unacceptable acts which include using members of the Harvard Crimson’s failed Facebook logins to get into their e-mail accounts. This project isn’t even endorsed by Mark in any way; I’m not sure why they wouldn’t paint the whole, brutally honest, picture.

All in all, I liked the script. I’m not sure if this draft was the final draft. Also, even shooting scripts get reworked throughout production. I’m going to see this in theaters. I like Jesse Eisenberg and I know he’ll do a good job. Justin Timberlake’s character seems similar to the one he played in Alpha Dog, I have no problems with him. The story was interesting and I actually believe it could make for a good movie. Rumors are that the flick is going to clock in at 3 hours and 10 minutes. This seems pretty long considering the subject, but it’s a complicated tale that shouldn’t be rushed and cut to two hours.

Overall, this is a minimum of 8/10. The writing and dialog is good, I’m just disappointed they left out some of Mark’s unflattering activities; which they probably did to make him likeable. Let’s face it; he is not a likeable guy. They should have made him more of an asshole.